DATABOX-IT : All In One I.T. encapsulated solution for your organization. A box-embedded datacenter for companies or organizations. it, information, technology, datacenter, box, compagny, high tech, cloud, virtualization , security, rgpd, gdpr
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The Databox I.T. is an Agile solution in many points.

  • It supplies several softwares and features, like clusterized services or hard clouded workstations.
  • Talking about agility, Databox takes a brand new approach to the technical world of Information Technologies.
  • Until now, you had to install and set each machine dedicated to each service or user. Whereas Databox I.T. is a plug-and-play system that feats till 32 physical machines. By one action, you can deploy all the machines for one complete desk of production : servers, workstations for their users, network stuff, security set, backup and restore set, monitoring system and park management tool.
  • We can compare that with the domain of Aerospace and those new micro-satellites. Just a few time ago, the "Cube Sat" were invented. They are some very little satellites of 3 inch by 3 with the same features of casual big ones with cost of millions of Dollars. They were created for Universities and sent in space where they are fully functional.
  • So we can make the paralel on Agility between a Databox and a classical datacenter.
  • Databox I.T. also deals with modularity and scalability. If the I.T.'s needs of a company rise, you just have to add more Databoxes. It's as simple as that !