DATABOX-IT : All In One I.T. encapsulated solution for your organization. A box-embedded datacenter for companies or organizations. it, information, technology, datacenter, box, compagny, high tech, cloud, virtualization , security, rgpd, gdpr
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Since the beginning of its design, we decided to put Security as the most important priority for the Databox I.T.

  • The operating systems and the softwares embedded inside were indeed deployed with all the technics on securizing a box.
  • Compared to a Windows server of workstation, we estimate that Databox is 10 times more secure.
  • The Open Source code is known to be more secure then the proprietary solutions (like Windows for example). Indeed, the big hacking events that has happened in the past have always targeted the proprietary systems.
  • Another fact is that usually, in the classical datacenters, the machines are not set to be secured by default, because it takes to much time and money.
  • The Databox advantage is that all of those security tips have been set since the conception. All boxes contains by default more than one year of work on secure settings. This leads to a strong and secure plug-and-play box.
  • Another fact of security is the data integrity.
  • The Databox servers are all clusterized in High Availability mode. So the data access and the data conservation is guaranted along the time.
  • This principle handles the hardware fails, that always occure by the time. Thanks to the clusterized systems, the continuous running of the machines and the services is guaranted.

As a conclusion, we can say that SECURING was present in the DNA of Databox I.T. since its conception, and that each Databox inherits from this DNA.