DATABOX-IT : All In One I.T. encapsulated solution for your organization. A box-embedded datacenter for companies or organizations. it, information, technology, datacenter, box, compagny, high tech, cloud, virtualization , security, rgpd, gdpr
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The Databox I.T. was designed to supply something like a mini-datacenter for the small companies that just can't afford it.

The Databox is equal to 32 physical computers ; it is just that they are virtual machine.

  • Those 32 machines can be servers or graphic workstations depending on the need.
  • Concerning the embbeded servers, the available services can be web servers (HTTP, HTTPS), email servers (SMTP, POP, IMAP), databases servers (SQL), file transfer servers (FTP) and name servers (DNS).
  • Concerning the graphic workstations, the available services can be desktop softwares (LibreOffice), web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera), email client apps (Thunderbird), 2D image editors (Gimp), 3D modelizers (Blender), the development softwares (Java, Delphi, Python, C++, Ruby, etc.), video editors (Kdenlive), sound editors (Audacity).